Principal’s Passage
As we get closer to the start of the 2024-25 school year, energy is building for a great year at Gray. We are excited to open the coming school year and welcome our new Principal, Dr. Andre Stout. He comes to us from Truman to take over for Mrs. Samuels, who has moved out of state. Mr. Jeff King continues as our Assistant Principal and will work hand-in-hand with Dr. Stout to make this school a successful and productive one.
Each week, you can expect a Pilot Update robo-call. The memo will include important information for the week ahead. We will plan to provide a longer newsletter each month with information about the school’s activities.
At Gray, we cultivate thoughtful citizens who think critically, act compassionately, and collaborate effectively to thrive in a dynamic, interconnected world. We prepare our Pilots to chart their course to college and career through highquality academic programs, student activities and athletics. Students are supported to excel by the amazing staff here at Gray.
I am honored to be working together with you as the new principal. I look forward to meeting each of you and your students throughout the year.
In partnership,
Dr. Andre Stout
Gray Principal
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 5: Open House Ice Cream Social 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Sept. 9: First Day of School 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
- Sept. 20: Picture Day!
1st Day of School is September 9th!
We look forward to our first day of school, Monday, September 9th. School begins at 7:40 a.m., this is a change from previous years. Breakfast begins at 7:10 am. Note that all Wednesdays are late start days, the first being Wednesday, September 11th .
Upon arrival, students who need to eat breakfast will enter through the Main Entrance doors. Students who are not eating breakfast at school will enter through the exterior Gym doors and remain in the Gym until school begins. 8th graders will go upstairs to the Auxiliary Gym, 6th and 7th graders will remain in the Main Gym.
After breakfast, students can go to the Gym from the exterior. Students will then go to their first period class and receive the bell schedule for that day. We will be holding grade-level assemblies to go over classroom/building rules and expectations.
Information Update in ParentVUE
It is important to keep us informed of any change of address, telephone number, email address, etc. Families use ParentVUE to update contact, health and emergency information for your student. You can also view your student’s attendance, grades, schedule, documents, and report an absence via ParentVUE.
This tool reduces the number of applications families need. You can access it online and with a mobile app.
If you have a current TPS student but do not have a Parent VUE account, please reach out to the Main Office and we can provide you with your activation code.
Sports Information
Registration can be completed for Fall sports online using Final Forms. All athletes must have a completed sports physical on file in order to participate.
Students participating in intramurals or other after school activities are required to purchase an ASB for $20, a one-time fee that covers the entire school-year. Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.
The Athletic Director at Gray is Ms. Blackwell.
- Session 1: Sept - Oct: Girls Soccer, X Country, Baseball, Boys Basketball
- Session 2: Nov - Dec: Boys Soccer, Volleyball
- Session 3: Jan - Mar: Girls Basketball, Bowling, Football
- Session 4: April - May: Wrestling, Fastpitch, Track & Field
Bussing Information!
Families should download the free My Ride K-12 app and start using it right now! My Ride K-12 allows families to access secure data for their child’s bus stop location, route, and pickup time from their phone!
Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Once you download the app, search for Tacoma Public Schools and register for an account. After you confirm your email, log in again and add/link your students! You will need to know your student’s ID
Attendance Matters!
Your child’s daily, on-time attendance is critical to their success in school. While some challenges to your child’s attendance are unavoidable, it’s important to understand the impact of each absence.
When students are not in class, they are missing out on critical learning. This puts them at risk of falling behind and not graduating from high school. Even as little as two absences in a month, whether they are excused or unexcused, can make a big difference, from kindergarten through their senior year.
What can you do to help?
- Keep track of your child’s absences
- Prepare backpacks the night before
- Have backup transportation plan
Please remember to update ParentVUE or contact Mrs. Burns, our Attendance Specialist, to report your student’s absence at 253-571-5209 or Due to safety protocol, our exterior doors remain locked at all times, please call ahead if your student is arriving late so they can be let in to the building.
Please note that students that are being released prior to the end of the day will not be released any later than 1:50 p.m. unless it is an emergency.
Important Health Reminders & Information
Does your student have a health concern (asthma, diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, etc.)? If so, please contact the school nurse right away. Medical care plans, rescue inhalers, EpiPens, etc. are required and must be in place by the first day of school for your student to attend.
Students are not allowed to bring medications to school without a doctor’s note! This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, antibiotics, and any over-the-counter or prescription drugs. All medications at school require a signed doctor’s note (new note needed each year) and must be brought to the health room by an adult.
Vomiting, Fevers, etc. Per COVID guidelines, any student exhibiting COVID-like symptoms (which include vomiting, fever, sore throat, cough) will need to get a doctor’s note, present a negative COVID test, or isolate for 2 weeks before returning to school. If students present one COVID-like symptom and/or are vaccinated, this guidance may change. Please contact the school with any symptoms and we will support with next steps.
Crutches, walking boots, ace wraps, and/or a wheelchair at school requires a doctor’s note. Without a doctor’s note, students will not be allowed to use the device(s) until a note is received.
If your child plans to play sports, have your doctor complete a sports physical form ASAP. Sports physicals are required each year for students to participate in school sports. Middle School physical forms found at:
Vision and hearing screening will be Wednesday, October 23, 2024 for all 7th graders. Please make sure your student brings his/her glasses!
Please have a CURRENT and working phone number on file. It is very important that the Health Room be able to reach you should your child become sick or injured. To update your information, please sign in to ParentVUE. Contact the Gray Health Room @ (253)571-5211 if you have any questions.
School Information
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Breakfast served - 7:10 a.m. - 7:35 a.m.
Late Start Wednesdays – 8:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Breakfast served - 8:10 a.m. - 8:35 a.m.
Students at Gray Middle School are assigned to counselors alphabetically by last name. A-L students are assigned to Ms. Hanson (253-571-5206)
M-Z students are assigned to Mr. Broadenax (253-571-5217)
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